Thursday, September 23, 2010

Grad Gamble

     Back in the day it was thought that the longer you were in school, the higher your education, the richer you would be. However, in today's economy, grad's can't be sure that they will get a job straight out of college. Aimed towards those students who are still in school looking to graduate in the near future, With no jobs, grads 'gamble' on education, Laura Vanderkam writes about the debate facing most college graduates today. Will a bachelor's degree still set me apart from the rest of the population? Probably not with 70% of high school graduates going to college. What about a master's degree? It would definately put you at the top of the pile, but with the economy being in such bad shape the amount of jobs available are slim to none. No matter what piece of paper you earned, there just are not enough jobs to go around. Although a master's degree would help in the long run with raising your earnings over time. Most students are attending graduate school due to the competitiveness of obtaining 1 of few jobs available, but ending up with a larger school loan to pay off as opposed to a great career.
     I agree with Laura because without enough jobs to go around, it really doesn't matter how much of an education you have. Yes, furthuring your education does give you a better skill set, but doesn't guarantee you a job after college. As opposed to traditional education, what is more useful now is to learn  how to be more of a freelancer and entreprenuer. You have to be able to sort of create a job for yourself, because no one is going to hand it to you. College graduates would be more successful in the job hunt if they were taught other skills as well, such as how to find clients, suggest projects, and manage their ideas.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Who do Americans trust? No one.

      Today I came across an interesting article that discussed how our faith in the government has been decreasing recently. Americans are really confident in...nobody grabbed my attention because I never realized the small things that have slowly been eating away at what little confidence I have in our present government.
      Recent studies suggest that now more than 50% of people agree that homosexual couples should get the same legal recognition that heterosexual couples receive, an idea the government has never accepted. The government seems to think that requiring everyone to buy health insurance will help boost the economy, however I don't see how. Since the economy has been in bad shape people haven't been able to live as lavishly, and requiring health insurance does not help those who simply just cannot afford it. Not to mention the fact that we have not seen any action from the government to assist those who the recession is hitting the hardest. Of course small business owners run are the public's favorite when they want to trust some one. Small business owners are more close to home, and Americans feel as though they can relate to them better than corporations and the government.
      As far as the Constitution goes, the government hasn't really kept up with some of the things mentioned like making us feel safe from foreign/domestic threats. With the economy not doing too well, the government has obviously not done a great job of making sure we can pursue happiness. No one is happy when they aren't making a living, or scraping by every month. Not to mention, the Supreme Court who we trust to interpret this sacred document, may be influenced by their own political views.
      Although I think we have a pretty decent government, I don't always agree with their actions, but it could be worse. At least our government is organized thanks to the Constitution, and we have the power to elect whomever we want come election time. Plus, being that this government has been around for about 200+ years its hard for people to lose complete faith in something that has been able to help us throughout the years.