Thursday, November 18, 2010

No Bacon for Me..

     I could not agree with you more. Pork Barrel Projects are totally ridiculous. Sure they help people, but honestly there are more important things to worry about. Pork Barrel projects are an informal way of bribing. There are so many other things the government could be spending their money on. They need to change their priorities around, and start making some real changes.
     It is unfortunate that people such as those involved in the Hurricane Katrina disaster could not get the help they needed. Katrina was  not their fault, no wonder they don't trust the government. Where were they when they were needed  most? Spending money that could have been used in rescue and rebuilding efforts on some bullshit. 
     Every community has its problems, battered roads etc., but in retrospect, are there not bigger problems? Problems like bettering education? Maybe a huge oil spill taking out ecosystems? I guess not if you are a congressman coming up on elections.